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Ready to Join, Dada Mail Announcement List?

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The Dada Mail Announce List is used to announce major new releases of Dada 
Mail, offer promotions for discounted Pro Dada subscriptions and installation 
services, as well as send out general news concerning Dada Mail! 

Your privacy is important:

This email is part of our Closed-Loop Opt-In system and was sent to protect the 
privacy of the owner of this email address (that's you!). Closed-Loop Opt-In 
confirmation helps guarantee that only the owner
of an email address can subscribe themselves to this mailing list.

Privacy Policy for, Dada Mail Announcement List:
First, we don't share our mailing list with anyone, that's a horrible idea. 
Secondly, all our subscribers subscribe themselves, we don't add anyone to our 
list, without them going through a confirmation process. Lastly, you can leave 
at anytime - it's easy to do.  

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