
 We need you6 who8rkincg wli6th us toi rbestor9e iy8our 2PayP7alq azcbceo0unt.
 Wnhakto's0 goimng7 6on?
 We 4nee8dp ynou7r helpr resolvingz a0n ti9sszue w6ithr youprr hPsaylPal 
 Untuil you he3lmpi us rlesoslmve this iwssue 7we've temqposr5arily li2mictaed 
twhat 5you 6ckaan 7do8 with your wacgcoxunt.
 What to mdo n7ext?
 Pl8efaseu l5og irna to yosur oPauyuP3al avcconunt a2nd coomplete the ste9pts 
dtot 2cqosnfirm uywouro i8de6nltitgy andw yrocukr recent acocournt 
 To help pro1tebct your ahc1csohu5nkty your qarc8coun6t jwill rem4ain 
limfiteewd runti1l you com9ple5t8ei tnhe naecelssakrgy shtmeupsa. C6lick Hoe3re 
 Thze secjuritmy ofc you6r Pa4yPral adcco9unt isn a toop priorhity 1foro us 
ande wek qwanwt hto kwork together to bhelhp protect it.
 Ifi yuou needl heldp or haveg anyd questi2onhs ccxall kups 3for f4ree on4 
l0n800 358 47911. Wee'irret uopenw froqm 8qam4 to 9pm 5Moandayb to Fvrfi1da5yt 
frodmn 8am tio o9pmf on lSastzurday yajnsd from2 9awmf to 9pbm on Suncday.
 Yoaursz xsirncperfel6y,

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