Hi Teresa,

We've had the same problem with one document for years. It just will not go 
away! If you get advice from someone, I'd sure appreciate if you passed it 
along to me!

Thank you,


Theresa Smith
Public Services Manager
Scarborough Library
Shepherd University

From: arie-l-boun...@mailman2.u.washington.edu 
[mailto:arie-l-boun...@mailman2.u.washington.edu] On Behalf Of M. Teresa Warren
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 6:12 PM
To: arie-l@u.washington.edu
Subject: [ARIE-L] Removing documents in Delivery queue

Hello all

I'm hoping someone out there has either experienced this or has a clue how to 
solve. When the daily maintenance runs, the documents that are scheduled to be 
removed according to our parameters are not being removed. We have checked all 
out settings and all seems to be right. We have also tried to manually delete, 
but receive and "error" status. This is what my system person has tried (I'm 
quoting his email:

Having trouble deleting the control and pdf files stored on the Windows 2008 
server. The ftp user has all the Windows rights, but when viewed using ftp all 
the files show octal 000 in the permissions, and although the ftp user has all 
rights, the file can't be deleted via ftp. When shared by Windows to that user 
files can be deleted. We're missing something, but can't figure out what.

Any clues? Suggestions?

Thanks in advance!
Teresa W.

M. Teresa Warren, MLS
Interlibrary Loans
Eli M. Oboler Library
Idaho State University
Pocatello, ID 83209-8089
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