> Because I don't agree with
> that, I'm looking for
> profound arguments against that costly influence.

>From Jean Bricmont's essay "Science of Chaos or Chaos
in Science" in _The Flight From Science and Reason_,
ed. Paul Gross, et al:

"As discussed in Penrose [R. Penrose, 'The Emperor's
New Mind' and 'On the Second Law of Thermodynamics'],
the earth does not gain energy from the sun (that
energy is reradiated by the earth), but low entropy;
the sun sends (relatively) few high-energy photons,
and the earth reradiates more low-energy photons (in
such a way that the total energy is concerved). 
Expressed in terms of 'phase space,' the numerous
low-energy photons occupy a much bigger volume than
the incoming high-energy ones.  So the solar system,
as a whole, moves towards a larger part of its phase
space while the sun burns its fuel."

Nice, but is there a meaningful amount to cover all
human uses?  I turn to "The Skeptical
Environmentalist" by Bjorn Lomborg (though, since
environmentalists have equated him with holocoust
sympathizers, you will want to go to his source
material and avoid using his name), and look at figure
73 on page 133 (in the chapter on energy).  It shows,
inter alia, total annual [human] energy consumption
(400EJ), total plant photosynthesis (1,260EJ), and
ANNUAL solar radiation (2,895,000EJ).  

Taking that surplus of solar energy (2,895,000 -
1,260) and asking a physcist or chemist to interpret
that surplus in terms of entropy (if that's possible
or even meaningful), I think you will be able to show
that there is plenty of low entropy out there for
human consumption for a long time to come.  

Also, though not directly related, if you seek
discussions of entropy in lay-man's terms, you might
try turning to the creationist/evolution debate in the
States.  Creationists love to claim that evolution
violates entropy, so scientists have spent alot of
time explaining entropy in simple terms.  You could
try www.infidels.org and go to their library section,
also www.talkorigins.org has pages somewhere in their
site that discuss entropy.

Good luck!

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