
Does anybody think that the amount or pattern of
support for farm subsidies would change if the average
American were "better informed?"  (I know, I know,
"better informed" is awfully value laden and implies a
Philistine-ish public, I'm just not sure how to phrase
it.)  By better info I mean deeper understanding of
int'l trade economics along with more complete
knowledge of amounts spent and the patterns of
spending and per capita costs, etc.  (And anything
else you feel is important.)

"Even many self-proclaimed conservatives supported ag
subsidies during the Iowa Caucus seasons..."

Michael Moore, in an episode of his show "TV Nation"
went to Newt Gingrich's home district during a 4th of
July parade.  He first joined the parade carrying a
sign denouncing "big government" and got cheers.  He
changed his sign so that it denounced federally funded
local projects and was kicked out of the parade.  
While I'm not a big M. Moore fan, that stunt was a bit

Best regards,

"...for no one admits that he incurs an obligation to another merely because that 
other has done him no wrong."
-Machiavelli, Discourses on Livy, Discourse 16.

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