In a message dated 8/12/02 4:18:25 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Or to rephrase in economic terms, risk averse managers prefer copying
a proven strategy (low risk/low payoff) than engaging in R&D (high
payoff/high risk). 

Fabio >>

That certainly looked true toward the end of the 1980s, when all the car 
companies were making cars with "aero" styling, which originated in Europe.  
The use of aero styling could also have something to do with a desire to 
reduce drag coefficients to increase fuel economy.  The summer I sold cars 
(1997 at a Pontiac-Mazda-Jeep-Eagle dealer) one of the young salesman pointed 
out that Mazda still used the aero styling, while everyone else had abandoned 
it, giving the Mazadas a bit of an out-of-date look.


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