Suppose, for the sake of argument, that you wish to
speculate in U.S. Citizenship Stocks, UCS for
short--pronounced "yuks."  By low & sell high, and all
that sort of thing.

Assume that:
1. An individual is free to own many UCS
2. Non-human legal entities may own UCS
3. There is no legally recognized disenfranchised
class, in line w/ Mr. Hanson's affirmation that one
may be stopped and asked for proof of citizenship. 
Anyone without at least one UCS who cannot be deported
is shot on sight.  Fatally.

As a speculator in UCS, how would you go about
estimating a fair price?  Do you think taking the
break-up value of the States gives the fair price?

Recall that one must be able to go somewhere after
selling; no foreign visa, no sale.

Terminally curious,

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