--- Dan Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"At dinner last night....  [T]hey get contracts
commensurate to this level."

I agree with you almost entirely.  While a guaranteed
record contract for the winning 'Idol' surely has some
value, for example, it's probably not as much of a
boost as getting to the finals, like you wrote.

But for music stars record companies can create their
own hype.  Suppose I own the Scipio Recording Concern,
marketing to lovers of pop music and military history,
I could have had a casting call and found some
marketable people who I could have then injected into
the market with the appropriate media blitz.  In
baseball there are only so many available short-stop
positions, but for music the field is very wide**.  

Now consider Vanilla Ice.  This guy had only one hit,
yet a VH-1 documentary revealed that he has a small
fleet of expensive sports cars and an impressive
mansion to boot.  That's alot of bread.  As owner of
SRC I would say, "Hey, let's get more people into the
pop-rap market," and flood the market until SRC's
profits from pop-rap artists are just equal to the
cost of my media blitz to enter a new artist into the

It seems to me that that optimum point should be well
in excess of what is currently on the market.  Hence
Normandie Shields exclusion from the market.  It seems
like I, as head of SRC, should be flooding the market
until there are so many artists that each doesn't make
a king's ransom.  Real record companies don't do that.
 Why not?

I think I've assumed an answer to my initial question
by asking why record companies don't put more
singers/musicians on the market.  Maybe it's not up to
them.  **It could be constrained, for example by the
amount of available air time on radio stations--thus
limiting the market size.  

I feel like I'm being stubborn by refusing to accept
possible answers.  That's not my intent.

Best regards,

"...for no one admits that he incurs an obligation to another merely because that 
other has done him no wrong."
-Machiavelli, Discourses on Livy, Discourse 16.

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