fabio guillermo rojas wrote:
> Another MVT deviation:
> Personal bankrupcy law. I bet most voters would prefer more lenient
> laws.

They are already very lenient.  There has been a lot of populist
resistance to creditors' tentative efforts to lobby to mildly tighten

                        Prof. Bryan Caplan                
       Department of Economics      George Mason University
        http://www.bcaplan.com      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        "I was so convinced that soon, very soon, by some
         extraordinary circumstance I should suddenly become
         the wealthiest and most distinguished person in the
         world that I lived in constant tremulous expectation 
         of some magic good fortune befalling me. I was 
         always expecting that *it was about to begin* and I 
         on the point of attaining all that man could desire, 
         and I was forever hurrying from place to place, 
         believing that 'it' must be 'beginning' just where I 
         happened not to be."
                        Leo Tolstoy, *Youth*

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