> It seems to me, that traffic school makes everybody out to be a greater
> risk than their driving record indicates. If risk is a primary factor in
> an insurance company's rate determination, doesn't that mean that
> traffic school makes everybody's rates higher than they otherwise would
> Be?
> Michael Giesbrecht

I've been to traffic school.  I turned left and the cop said there was a
no-left sign.  I didn't see it.  I went back to look, and sure enough, the
sign was at the corner, completely covered by bushes, and not visible to

So traffic school lets those like me who very seldom get a ticket, and do
not deliberately violate traffic laws, avoid insurance increases, when we
are really good drivers, and the ticket was unfair or for something that
did not really endanger traffic.  Only if there were perfect justice in law
enforcement would the ability to clean one's record not be justified. 
Traffic school makes up for such imperfections.

Bad drivers will get more frequent tickets, on average, which will then
show up on their records.

Fred Foldvary


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