What prevents a particular private law enforcement
agency from engaging in mob-style "protection"?  For
example, in Friedman's "Anarchy and Efficient Law", he
states that, "The most obvious and least likely is
direct violence-a mini-war between my agency,
attempting to arrest the burglar, and his agency
attempting to defend him from arrest. A somewhat more
plausible scenario is negotiation. Since warfare is
expensive, agencies might include in the contracts
they offer their customers a provision under which
they are not obliged to defend customers against
legitimate punishment for their actual crimes." 
 First, if war were so expensive relative to peace why
does it exist?  Maybe peace is more expensive, in
terms of risk for example, than open warfare.  Second,
I might say that going to war isn't expensive, going
to war against ME is expensive, because I'm going to
recruit the demons who walk the earth.  I won't put
Charles Manson in jail, I'll put him on the payroll.

This is an honest question, one that has been vexing me.

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