Chennai (PTI): From almost quitting the industry due to financial
constraints to a his double-Oscar win, the journey of A R Rahman from
Madras' Kodambakkam to Hollywood has been a path filled with thorns and

The successful journey of this soft-spoken man, who stepped into his
father's shoes at an early age of nine, is a source of inspiration for many
a youth in the country.

Rahman began his career in Chennai's Kodambakkam, where the film industry is
located, as a keyboard player in legendary South Indian musician
Illayaraja's troupe in the 1970s and went on to compose jingles for
advertisements. He was forced to shoulder the family responsibilities after
his father died due to illness when Rahman was just nine years old.

Due to this burden, Rahman could never get proper education in his early
days. This was evident when his mother once said she will feel bad forever
for not giving opportunity for Rahman to get educated well. He first came to
light with his jingles for Leo Coffee, Bombay Dyeing and Titan
advertisements in the 1980s and he almost quit the industry as he could not
continue due to financial constraints.

Then came the break for the music composer when noted filmmaker Maniratnam
approached him to score composition for his "Roja", after seeing him
performing at a awards ceremony function.

After the remarkable success of "Roja", there was no looking back for
Rahman, who his close friends in the industry call him a humble personality.
"From the very early days when we both worked for advertisements to this
day, one thing has not changed with Rahman. That is his humbleness," noted
cinematographer Rajiv Menon said.

What made Rahman's music click with the listeners was the refreshing use of
percussions, sound and melody, most of which were inspired from the Indian
folk music. Rahman, who is fondly called as "Isai Puyal" in Tamil, has
rendered music for over 150 films in Tamil and he always respected his
mother tongue, which came to the fore today when he said "Ella pughalum
iraivanuke" after receiving the Oscars.

Another close friend of Rahman and noted Tamil lyricist Vairamuthu
attributed the music composer's Oscar win to his sincerity and dedication
towards work and humbleness. "He is a very humble man. He is simply simple
and down-to-earth. I am proud of Rahman, especially as a person who wrote
lyrics for 90 per cent of his songs," he said.

Rahman, who is rarely seen at public functions, is a person who devotes most
of his spare time to spend with his large family, consisting of mother,
wife, three children and four sisters.

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