It is special.
It is written.

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 6:30 PM, $ Pavan Kumar $ <>wrote:

>   LOS ANGELES - Once he was simply known as Oscar No. 3453 but now the
> little gold man has a new name, "Best Original Score," and he's Bollywood
> bound.
> A.R. Rahman, India's revered film composer, collected Oscar No. 3453 on
> Sunday night and will be taking him home to India.
> And just to make sure No. 3453 won't be a lonely expatriate, Rahman won a
> second Oscar, for best song. Both were for the movie "Slumdog Millionaire."
> "I want to thank the Academy for being so kind," said the composer known in
> his native country as the Mozart of the Madras.
> In a way, the trip to India is only fitting for an Oscar that from the
> beginning just seemed destined for life on the road.
> Unlike its 51 counterparts at Sunday's show, Oscar No. 3453 missed its
> flight a week and a half ago from Chicago to Los Angeles. It was
> photographed with the others at the R.S. Owens factory where they were cast,
> but then was somehow misplaced.
> Quickly located, it was packed up and sent solo to Los Angeles.
> It arrived at the Kodak Theatre no worse for wear. Once there, Steve
> Meisner, Hollywood's Keeper of Oscars, buffed it to a fine shine and placed
> it on a table with its brethren.
> From there it was handed off to Rahman who will ensure that it becomes one
> of the world's most traveled Oscars.

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