Great news. I guess SDM will achieve a cult status like RDB. Or has it

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 1:24 PM, Vinod Raju <> wrote:

> `Slumdog Millionaire' to be made into Broadway musical
> Spicezee Bureau
> Mumbai, Feb 25: If the makers of `Slumdog Millionaire' have it their
> way then very soon every child born in the slums will have a rag to
> riches story to boast about. After an acclaimed book, an Oscar
> sweeping film, `Slumdog Millionaire' filmmakers are now gearing up
> to take over Broadway as they plan a stage musical of the 8 Oscar
> winning film.
> The project has been taken up with the wise intentions of securing a
> sound future for the children featured in the film. The receipts
> raised from the musical will be transferred to the funds set up for
> the betterment of Mumbai's slum kids.
> Producer Christian Colson, who is determined to bring about a
> change, had earlier set up a fund that has already generated close
> to a whooping Rs 3.6 crore for the children. And if plans for cover
> versions of Rahman's songs are realised, the money raised could
> multiply manifold; Christian was quoted as telling the The Times,
> London.
> The funds would then be pumped back into Mumbai where the movie was
> filmed.
> The dream team of the film is also looking at various alternatives
> to safeguard the future of two children from the slums — Azharuddin
> Mohammed, 10, and nine-year-old Rubina Qureshi.
> Well with an awe-inspiring movie and an acclaimed book, we are
> surely looking forward to the musical `Slumdog Millionaire'.

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