Now I hope there would be reverse effect. . Like Kamal said it is time for
Indian movies to go global.
But as a matter of fact there's nothing truly global. Everybody
has affiliations and preferences and a social/personal context based on
which they view things. Not interests, only emotions are global - love,
peace, happiness, compassion and so on. It's a challenge to make a movies
that connects across many cultures incorporating those emotions. SDM
achieved it. Many Indian directors have the potential to make such movies
and have made such movies in the past.

There are many naysayers of popular Indian movies 'terming' it as 'masala'.
Yes, some are downright stupid, but so are movies in any languages and there
are 'intelligent' movies in any language. Movies are primarily a medium of
entertainment and art, message is just a by-product.

Not everyone in the world think that Western movies are the best; they cater
to certain sensibilities. Degree of fusion has been and will continually
increase in any field, films being no exception.

Indian movies have been borrowing heavily from western movies and Hollywood
has always been open to innovation. I feel, now other non-english film
industries will also increase collaboration and there will certainly be
influences. Rahman himself is doing a Indo-Japanese movie.

Yes, the barriers are getting broken. But that should not destroy our own
identity. Loosing a language is loosing millenniums of knowledge. Sadly,
that is what is happening to many cultures and languages.

The whole challenge will be not to loose our own identity in this immense
crossovers which is happening. For example, there's is no one tamil/hindi
movie recently which has 100% native language dialogues. Classical music
have almost ceased being part of mainstream movies.

Well this is a larger issue every country is facing - the side effects of
globalisation. Hope the debate of sustainable globalisation evolves a
practical framework for a harmonious global culture, without loosing
essential local culture.

Rahman is a step in that direction. He is firmly rooted to Raagas, but
doesn't limit himself there. He seamlessly crosses every boundaries in
creating a global sound.

Rahman sets the right example.

2009/2/26 Mahima Sengupta <>

>   I fully agree with you there Mr. Anand  though I won't qauntify. I thin
> many a times His efforts are getting wasted in a badly made movie. Both
> Hindi and Tamil directors should improve their standards to meet ARR's.
> --- On *Thu, 2/26/09, Anand Bharathan <>* wrote:
> From: Anand Bharathan <>
> Subject: RE: [arr] We will lose ARR's Music
> To:
> Date: Thursday, February 26, 2009, 12:43 PM
>   Just my take. Ideally I would like to see ARR doing not more than 5
> movies a year (I international, 3 Hindi and 1 Tamil). He is known more for
> quality than quantity and I am sure he will keep this in mind in spite of
> going to be inundated with offers. I guess the likes of Karan Johar and
> Aditya Chopra would now want to work with him just to get their names tagged
> with a Academy Award winner though they might probably  live to regret they
> never got a chance . As for scoring in Tamil, first the directors over there
> would need to pull up their socks and raise their standards to the level of
> AG, ROM or MR before ARR can do more projects. I don’t want to see a talent
> like ARR getting involved in crap projects in Tamil. My major worry is how
> he is going to manage the different time zones. I hope he gets enough rest.
> I think ARR is a kind of whiz kid blessed by his spirituality and in which
> ever industry he arrived (Kolly, Bolly or Holly) he did so with a bang so he
> is going to continue to do so in future. In terms of awards, there is really
> nothing more to achieve except as said in one interview the Nobel Peace
> prize which I am sure he will do one day as well. Peace through music.. If
> it happens, what a day that will be.
> *From:* arrahmanfans@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:arrahmanfan 
> *On Behalf Of *live for arr Live
> *Sent:* 26 February, 2009 3:38 PM
> *To:* arrahmanfans@ yahoogroups. com
> *Subject:* [arr] We will lose ARR's Music
> With OSCAr's victory on one hand and bringing glory to India,  arr told
> today morning to one of the news channels, that he will be ome time in LA,
> some time in Chennai nd some time in Mumbai.
> we lost ARR from 2000 to Hindi films and from 2009 we will lose him to
> Hollywood films.
> It's pity that we cannot hear more of him in Tamil. hope ARR listens to
> this and show some mercy to us.

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