On 9/8/2010 2:46 PM India Time, _Roshan_ wrote:

> he did it whild doing the Slumdog too..

Yeah, and D6's maskali on the pigeon was ARR's idea throughout.


> On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 8:35 AM, V S Rawat <vsra...@gmail.com
> <mailto:vsra...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     On 9/8/2010 4:03 AM India Time, _satish_srini_ wrote:
>      > Apparently, Rahman had suggested that the film should have a title
>      > track on hearing that the film was called Jhootha Hi Sahi. Tyrewala
>      > added,"He said that the film deserved to have a title track. He
>      > said, 'I don't care where you use it, whether you use it in the
>      > background or not but the film deserves it.' In fact, he was in
>      > London at that time.
>      >
>      > He booked a studio there and recorded it himself. We finalised the
>      > song on the Internet. It's very nice of him to do it since he was
>      > in the middle of so many things."
>     Wow. This is our beloved ARR - considerate, creative, never short on
>     putting ideas and efforts, going extra miles beyond the letters of
>     contracts to provide "total" customer satisfaction.
>     This incident is worthy of being taught in TQM classes in industries
>     and business schools.
>      > Coincidentally, Rahman has been busy dealing with the mixed
>      > response to his Commonwealth Games 2010 track. Wonder if that is
>      > prompting him to be extra careful with Tyrewala's film? Of course,
>      > it could be friendship too.
>     If it is friendship, than I wish ARR were friends with CWG officials
>     also, so as to do something about his that "product" too.
>     All those opposing ARR redoing CWG song might notice:
>     - JHS with 7 songs must already be having great music by ARR, just
>     like CWG song has to be already great.
>     - ARR adding more touches to suit the movie doesn't demean ARR, it
>     doesn't show ARR's defeat in any way in composing previous seven
>     songs, it is not an acknowledgement that previous 7 songs were bad or
>     lacking, the way retouching CWG song would not mean that previous
>     version was bad or lacking.
>     - The way Abbas is all praises for ARR now and is obliged in heart,
>     retouching CWG song would make Government, politicians, media, we
>     fans, all have additional praises for ARR and we all will be obliged
>     in heart.
>     - We get to hear two additional creations in JHS, the way we would
>     hear additional version of CWG theme if he retouches it.
>     What exactly are we unhappy about? our Ego? Are we fighting a war of
>     guts here? I thought it was entertainment. Why this stand-off then?
>     --
>     Rawat

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