A new deadly virus seems to have afflicted the Indian populace. The virus,
dubbed "Rahman Rulz Doodz", seem to affect certain Rahman fans. The
affliction seems to cause panic attacks, high blood pressure, ulcers, short
temper and, in extreme cases, depression.

Symptoms: Are you afflicted by Rahman Rulz Doodz? Here is a quick
questionnaire that helps you decide:

1. Do you get worked up when a new Rahman album is launched, but does not
release on the same day?
2. Do you find journalists yellow because they have something negative to
say about Rahman?
3. Is Ram Gopal Verma a useless guy because he thinks Rahman ruined film
4. Is Anu Malik a swell dude because he supported Rahman's CWG theme?
5. Is the CWG is one big mess where no one there can be any good because
they were disappointed with Rahman's theme?
6. Is every new channel a house of lies because they run Rahman's CWG to the
7. Is IBNLive a wretched spawn of satan because they have derogatory things
to say about Rahman?
8. Do you feel that Rahman is giving his absolute best with masterpieces
like Komaram Puli, Endhiran and the CWG theme?
9. Is every one's opinion invalid, if they differ from yours, particularly
with reference to Rahman?
10. Do you think Rahman is a god?

If you answered yes to:-
A) less than 3 questions - you are relatively sane.
B) more than 2 questions but less than 5 questions - you are about to be
afflicted. Take care. Breathe deeply and calm yourself. You may be an
C) more than 4 questions but less than 10 - Dude, you are totally afflicted.
Take a chill pill. Relax. Rahman Rulz Doode, but You Drools and that's
D) all 10 questions - get a life. Seriously.

How to avoid the affliction:

1. Don't take everything you read about Rahman to heart. Sometimes, people
like saying nasty things, even if it is unwarranted.
2. Understand that not everything Rahman makes is a masterpiece. Not
everything Rahman composes will be liked by everyone. People can have strong
reactions to things they don't like, just like you can.
3. Understand that Rahman is not a god. He is only human. He can make
mistakes too.
4. Rahman is the best Indian music composer. It is a fact for everyone to
see. You needn't worry about someone not knowing that fact and make it your
personal quest to enlighten the poor deluded fool.

What to do you do to cure yourself of the affliction?

The cure is the other side of the affliction. Rahman has made some of the
greatest music on earth. Listen to it. Disregard external factors. Just
enjoy your private world, drowning in his music. Discuss the positive
aspects of his compositions. Don't get into a whole "my gun is bigger than
yours" argument with someone who strongly resents some composition. Just
agree to disagree and move on.

This group is one of my favourite hangouts and I have been here for quite
sometime. I love reading the different view points and discussions and I
love gauging the excitement when a new album is about to release. What I
don't like is the venom that is posted here. Whether it is against another
member, or some news channel, a web site, a composer, or anyone else.

Gopal created this for a community of Rahmaniacs. Let's not lose the "Rah"
and become plain maniacs.

Apologies if I offended anyone.

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