Brilliantly fantastico ! Couldn't have expressed any better!

On Wed Sep 8th, 2010 8:59 PM CDT AJ wrote:

>One of the BEST posts ever here!!! BRAVO!!!!!  Love it!!!!  TOO GOOD!
>--- In, Triply <tri...@...> wrote:
>> A new deadly virus seems to have afflicted the Indian populace. The virus,
>> dubbed "Rahman Rulz Doodz", seem to affect certain Rahman fans. The
>> affliction seems to cause panic attacks, high blood pressure, ulcers, short
>> temper and, in extreme cases, depression.
>> Symptoms: Are you afflicted by Rahman Rulz Doodz? Here is a quick
>> questionnaire that helps you decide:
>> 1. Do you get worked up when a new Rahman album is launched, but does not
>> release on the same day?
>> 2. Do you find journalists yellow because they have something negative to
>> say about Rahman?
>> 3. Is Ram Gopal Verma a useless guy because he thinks Rahman ruined film
>> music?
>> 4. Is Anu Malik a swell dude because he supported Rahman's CWG theme?
>> 5. Is the CWG is one big mess where no one there can be any good because
>> they were disappointed with Rahman's theme?
>> 6. Is every new channel a house of lies because they run Rahman's CWG to the
>> ground?
>> 7. Is IBNLive a wretched spawn of satan because they have derogatory things
>> to say about Rahman?
>> 8. Do you feel that Rahman is giving his absolute best with masterpieces
>> like Komaram Puli, Endhiran and the CWG theme?
>> 9. Is every one's opinion invalid, if they differ from yours, particularly
>> with reference to Rahman?
>> 10. Do you think Rahman is a god?
>> If you answered yes to:-
>> A) less than 3 questions - you are relatively sane.
>> B) more than 2 questions but less than 5 questions - you are about to be
>> afflicted. Take care. Breathe deeply and calm yourself. You may be an
>> anorak.
>> C) more than 4 questions but less than 10 - Dude, you are totally afflicted.
>> Take a chill pill. Relax. Rahman Rulz Doode, but You Drools and that's
>> Roode.
>> D) all 10 questions - get a life. Seriously.
>> How to avoid the affliction:
>> 1. Don't take everything you read about Rahman to heart. Sometimes, people
>> like saying nasty things, even if it is unwarranted.
>> 2. Understand that not everything Rahman makes is a masterpiece. Not
>> everything Rahman composes will be liked by everyone. People can have strong
>> reactions to things they don't like, just like you can.
>> 3. Understand that Rahman is not a god. He is only human. He can make
>> mistakes too.
>> 4. Rahman is the best Indian music composer. It is a fact for everyone to
>> see. You needn't worry about someone not knowing that fact and make it your
>> personal quest to enlighten the poor deluded fool.
>> What to do you do to cure yourself of the affliction?
>> The cure is the other side of the affliction. Rahman has made some of the
>> greatest music on earth. Listen to it. Disregard external factors. Just
>> enjoy your private world, drowning in his music. Discuss the positive
>> aspects of his compositions. Don't get into a whole "my gun is bigger than
>> yours" argument with someone who strongly resents some composition. Just
>> agree to disagree and move on.
>> This group is one of my favourite hangouts and I have been here for quite
>> sometime. I love reading the different view points and discussions and I
>> love gauging the excitement when a new album is about to release. What I
>> don't like is the venom that is posted here. Whether it is against another
>> member, or some news channel, a web site, a composer, or anyone else.
>> Gopal created this for a community of Rahmaniacs. Let's not lose the "Rah"
>> and become plain maniacs.
>> Apologies if I offended anyone.
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