Hi Scott

Yes it is template driven, so there is no -f option. You can manually create
a template or export a template out from a DNAPlotter session. Example
templates can be found in the online manual page:


The template then restores the track information that gets saved to the


On 2/18/11 6:40 PM, "Scott Markel" <scott.mar...@accelrys.com> wrote:

> I'd like to launch DnaPlotter with a sequence file name.  Best I can tell by
> looking at main() in uk.ac.sanger.artemis.circular.DNADraw, DnaPlotter either
> reads a template file (indicated by using "-t") or launches a wizard, allowing
> navigation to a sequence file or template.  I'm looking for a "-f" kind of
> option, where I can indicate the EMBL or GenBank file I want to display.
> An alternate, two-step approach would be to create a template from the
> sequence file automatically, e.g., some sort of command-line converter (no
> user interaction like browsing), and then launch with that template.
> I checked the mailing list archives but didn't see anything germane.
> Apologies in advance if I'm missing something obvious.
> Scott
> Scott Markel, Ph.D.
> Principal Bioinformatics Architect  email:  smar...@accelrys.com
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