Hi Florian

I have changed this so that this will be possible in the next development
release (in the next week or so).


On 8/29/11 2:36 PM, "Florian B." <ownerfra...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to give my users a way to open, all at once, multiple "Artemis
> Entry Edit" windows with, in each, multiple entries (an embl and 1 or more tab
> files). But it seems impossible.
> In fact :
> - open multiples windows can be done with : "artemis.jar chromosome1.embl
> chromosome2.embl"
> - open an embl and its tab files can be done with : "artemis.jar
> chromosome1.embl + blastn1.tab + blastx1.tab"
> But use this two "tricks" in the same command line don't work ... (Typing
> something like : "artemis.jar chromosome1.embl + blastn1.tab + blastx1.tab
> chromosome2.embl + blastn2.tab + blastx2.tab" )
> Is there a way to do that ? If not, do you think it could be a good feature
> for a future Artemis version ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Florian
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