
I am new in ACT, and when I trying to run it, a error message come up with the 
following message: comparison file read failed: out of range error: match goes 
off end of subject sequence: 1715680. I made the comparison file using 
DoubleACT from a couple of sequences that I obtained from ncbi and previously 
to use in DoubleACT I transformed them in embl files using eBioX. When I runnig 
ACT, I used the embl file or a fasta version of the same files and I obtained 
the same error message, except because the number change. There is some one 
that can help me with this?
Then you very much,

Carlos Sanz Rodriguez, PhD.
Stochastic Dynamic Lab.
Center for Physics, 
Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC)
Caracas, Apartado 1020-A
Telf +58-212-5041919

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