
I can see that in Artemis, but not in ACT!


From: Roy Chaudhuri [roy.chaudh...@gmail.com]
Sent: 18 August 2017 12:55
To: Astrid von Mentzer
Cc: artemis-users@sanger.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [Artemis-users] Length of CDS in ACT

Hi Astrid,

When you select a feature, its length in bases (and amino acids if it's
a CDS) is displayed at the top of the window, just underneath the Entry
checkboxes. If multiple features are selected the total length is shown.


On 18/08/2017 06:30, Astrid von Mentzer wrote:
> Hi,
> Can you somehow quickly see the length of a selected CDS in ACT?
> All I get is the range and I need to calculate how long the CDS is, I
> need a quicker way!
> Best,
> Astrid
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