Dear aRts/MCOP folks,

Although I'm not familiar with the internals of MCOP, I've noticed that MCOP 
creates and manages a cache directory of some kind in the user's home 
directory, called $(HOME)/.mcop/trader-cache on my system.  I wondered if
you'd be willing to support a trivial convention I'm proposing by which 
cache-managing applications can tag their caches in a standard and 
recognizable way, so that backup and archival software can easily be
configured to exclude uselessly backing up such regenerable data. All MCOP 
would have to do is write into its cache directory a file named 
".IsCacheDirectory", containing a specific fixed header - probably a 5- or 
10-line change to MCOP.  The full (but short) proposal is at:

...and the main discussion of the proposal is occurring on the xdg-list on The Mozilla folks are already on board and receptive to the 
idea, which is obviously critical since Mozilla caches probably represent the 
bulk of uselessly backed-up cached content on free desktop systems - but I'd 
of course like to get the support of a wider variety of applications. 
Comments and discussion (privately or on the xdg-list) are of course welcome.

Thanks very much!

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