Josh Chamas wrote:

Maybe the Content-Length field is not calculated correctly by Apache::ASP?
If its too short, this could be a problem. To have Apache::ASP not calculate
the content length, try to flush when the script first starts, that will flush
the headers, and see if there is a difference.



Sure enough, the Content-Length header was miscalculated. Since I had
the ethereal capture handy, I could verify it rather easily (although
had I been careful, I would have been able to figure it out myself -
thanks for pointing it out).
A ``$Response->Flush();'' fixed things for me.
Still, in the beginning I wasn't using Script_OnFlush, I used a regular
global.asa sub on the database data directly and I still got the same
problem. Then I switched to Script_OnFlush to save myself the trouble of
changing some 200+ files one by one.
As far as the LANG is concerned, it has been correctly set to el_GR
(meaning iso-8869-7)**** for as long as I can remember.
I recall having problems to set it, because I specifically created an
asp page telling whether a few greek words contain \w characters and to
convert them to upper case, just to see it works. I see now that I had
to set $ENV{'LANG'} in to get it to work correctly.

Thanks again for the quick response.

Thanos Chatziathanassiou

**** sorry, I really meant to say *ISO-8859-7*

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