
i am evripidis papakostas from Greece. I maintain the greek ispell 
dictionary and affix files (ispell.source.gr).

Recently, after some emails with Kevin Hendricks (openoffice.org) i 
managed to convert my affix files to be compatible with myspell. i also 
gave him a munched greek word list and works ok with openoffice (the URL 
for this project is the same)

i am a little bit confused. till now i am convinced that i want to port 
greek dicts to aspell, but i looked for aspell info to sourceforge, 
aspell.net, savannah, this mailing list's archives and could not really 
understand which is the right aspell to go on with (aspell+pspell, new 

so...pls give me a URL to download a (semi) working (new?) aspell.

second question is this: is there any way of converting my affix file to 
aspell compatible format (affix file is in ispell format and myspell 
format)? where can i find instructions about the procedure?

also read that there is some phoenetic support. greek language is 
(almost completely) phoenetic. except the normal vowels that are 
pronounced as written with no exceptions, we have some combinations of 
them. giving an example with latin chars (greek chars are not exactly 
the same, but you can get the meaning):
ei, i, oi, ui, h, y, u that are all pronounced like ee (like in tee),
ai and e -> e (like red),
ou -> u (like took) and there is no other way to pronounce this vowels

is this what you define as phonetic language (to have strict rules about 
how is written and how is pronnounced?)

if anyone can lead me to a tarball and some documentation about writting 
the affix/prefix rules as well as how to define the vowel equivs (if 
what i understand as phonetic language is correct) then i would be very 
happy to (try to) port my greek dictionary to aspell.

greek is the iso8859-7 standard.

thanks in advance

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