
on Fri, 7 Jun 2002 05:26:08 -0400 (EDT)
Kevin Atkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > On Fri, 7 Jun 2002, Melvin Hadasht wrote:
 > > I tested the new API (aspell_dict_info), but it does not help, as it
 > > lists the directory and just parses the file names, moreover, it needs
 > > an already existing AspellConfig.
 > What do you mean "lists the directory and just parses the file names"?  
 > Isn't that what you want?

After a second thought, yes. But:

But it's somehow disorienting. For example, by using the API and getting the
name, code, jargon and size from AspellDictInfo, I get something like:

Dict name: (null) american  60
Dict name: (null) british  60 
Dict name: (null) canadian  60
Dict name: (null) de  60
Dict name: (null) de_CH  60
Dict name: (null) de_DE  60
Dict name: (null) deutsch  60

(BTW, why name is always null? what is it meant to hold? Are the current
dictionaries incompletely installed/configured?)

Now I want to let the user choose one of them and then use
aspell_config_replace(config, "lang", language). If 'language' is the string 
american, british, canadian, then aspell returns an error because it looks for
the dictionaries 'am', 'br', 'ca'  and those does not exist. It can be a problem
if I had the 'catalan' (ca) dictionary: it will select catalan instead of
canadian. (deutsch is OK, because 'de' dict exists). Hmm, OK, I need to remove
from the list all names longer than 2 characters and that do not include '_'.

Sorry, I should have thought of that possibility. 

But then, why are the full name files (as british.multi) needed? Are they meant
to be parsed by the application to check to which other .multi dictionary they
correspond to provide a 'cleaner' listing (british instead of en_GB?). (thay
can't be directly used: aspell0 british gives 'Error: No word lists can be found
for the language "br".'). This is what I may do, but I don't fully understand
their goals.

[I know new aspell is a work in progress, but I would like to understand what
need to be completed and what are the goals of some of its design solution (like
providing british.multi etc). Thanks for your works and your answers. I hope
this ML traffic will increase people interest in the new aspell.]

À vedeci (Corsican: See you later)

Melvin Hadasht

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