Hi Kevin,

on Wed, 10 Jul 2002 21:12:17 -0400 (EDT)
Kevin Atkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > I just finished adding support for converting between various character 
 > encodings in the new Aspell, such as converting between UTF-8 and 
 > ISO8859-1.  You should now be able to set the "encoding" option like you 
 > were able to in the original Pspell.   For example you can now give Pspell 
 > "UTF-8" text by setting the encoding option to "utf-8".
 > This however has not been very tested very well at all.  So if you want to 
 > help out try using different encoding for some non-English language (one 
 > that uses more than ASCII) and let me know if you find any bugs.
 > To set the encoding with the example utility "aspell0" use
 >   aspell0 <lang> - - <encoding>
 > The two dashes are place holders and can not be left out.  Available 
 > encoding are:
 >   utf-8  "machine unsigned 16"  "machine unsigned 32"
 >   iso8859-* koi8-{f,r} viscii cp1252

I'll test it on my app tonight.

It seems that cvs is missing "char_vector.hpp".

By the way, Did you fix the problem with locales? (If you add a
setlocale(LC_ALL,"") in aspell0 and then run it with a locale that uses a comma
instead a point for the decimal point, like fr_FR, then aspell0 exits with the
following error

Na shledanou (Czech: See you later)

Melvin Hadasht

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