What does this mean? What is a "Brahmin God" -are you refering to someone from your caste (so-called Brahmin)?
Mukul-da wrote:

I am so glad for you .

Remain that way.

Remain a humanist--a good teacher-a good Brahmin-God will be with you.


mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am so glad for you .

Remain that way.

Remain a humanist--a good teacher-a good Brahmin-God will be with you.


From:  umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:  assam@assamnet.org
Subject:  [Assam] [USA-Immigration] something intl. students do -but shouldn't
Date:  Fri, 4 Nov 2005 21:27:44 +0000 (GMT)

For someone who may be think of studying abroad:
I'm glad that I have never crossed the line. Never worked outside univ. campus during student life. Never worked outside "education" - my field of work -- afterwards -as per my visa status.
Many students work as bar tenders etc -even if not allowed to . They keep behaving as if they were in India etc - causing problems for all.

umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 21:19:28 +0000 (GMT)
From: umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [USA-Immigration] H1B visa and Green Card

Dear Rocky,
It is true that you did something inexcusable - which in some other countries often goes unchecked. However, since it is done - there is no crying over spilt milk. Better pay the fine and forget. However, I'm told that if you commit a criminal offense - even -DUI - driving after drinking alchohol -- you can be deported -- even if you have a Green Card. Be careful.
If you are not authorised to work - or can only work in some fields -- do not go over the line . Many do and get away with it -- but once caught - is enough to ruin your entire stay -if you plan to stay for long.

Rocky Fan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello members
I was caught yesterday while selling 6 cans of beer to a minor. I got a ticket from ABC officials and I need to pay  the fine. This is my first time. I will never work on gas station.
But they know my SSN and everything. Now, is this going to affect me if I apply for employment, H1b visa or green card?
I am on F1 (student) visa and my visa is valid for 2 more years.
All comments will be appreciated. Please please help me, I am fully scared right now.

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