Title: Re: [Assam] Begalis and MIT
*** First off, they are not problem statements. They are descriptions of SYMPTOMS, arising out of certain PROBLEMS which would require fixing to make Assam the state of your ideals.

Therefore, you all still need to find what the PROBLEMs are, and how your solution concept does or is expected to address the problems.
I am glad that CM has decided to walk to the platform.
Let us put some structure into the debate, so that it does not end up in smoke.
Normally when a patient goes to a Doctor, all the patient tells him are the symptoms, and based on the symptoms, the Doctor prescribes him some medicine.
To clarify the matter take the following case. If one has Cancer, we donot wait to find out how and why one has cancer. Our immediate duty is to treat the patient.
Now, it is at least good that we seem to have agreed (more or less) on the symptoms of the problems.
Now we have without explaining the causes of the dieses, two Doctors have prescribed two different medicines;
(1) Mahanta-ULFA group (say) has prescribed that Assam should become a sovereign country outside India, and all our  symptoms will be cured.
(2) Mayur group (say) has prescribed that more pragmatic solution which is basically "a federal structure with centre retaining defense, finance and external affairs and rest of  the powers at state level can solve some problems afflicting all the states of the country. Of course it would be unwise to expect miracles overnight from such an arrangement.
Now the most rational thing will be to hear both sides why they think his solution will solve the 3 main problems (sorry the symptoms) facing Assam.
To refresh, the symptoms are
1) The North East India is under developed compared to the rest of the country and compared to its natural resources. Within the North East, Assam is even lagging behind in development compared to the other states in the North East.
2) Compared to the rest of the country, the Assam has the problem of heaviest infiltration of illegal immigration which has been going one since 1930s.
3) Compared to the rest of the country, North East has the highest level of Corruption. Assam may be the worst.

Now both sides will have to participate and put forward their arguments what they think are the real problems for the above symptoms, and why they think their suggested prescription will solve the problems.
I think the debate will be so huge, we should take one issue at a time to be argued by both sides.
Please remember, each side will have to show how they are going to execute the prescription and how it will solve the issue of
(1) Underdevelopment
(2) Illegal immigration and
(3) Corruption.
Shall we start and show our sincerity.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Begalis and MIT

Hi Mayur:

You took the easy road of following Rajen. I was hoping you would do a whole lot better. But as long as you did, and assuming that is the best we have to go with for the moment, let us look at Rajen's, and now yours too, problem statement:

1) The North East India is under developed compared to the rest of the country and compared to its natural resources. Within the North East, Assam is even lagging behind in development compared to the other states in the North East.
2) Compared to the rest of the country, the Assam has the problem of heaviest infiltration of illegal immigration which has been going one since 1930s.
3) Compared to the rest of the country, North East has the highest level of Corruption. Assam may be the worst.

*** First off, they are not problem statements. They are descriptions of SYMPTOMS, arising out of certain PROBLEMS which would require fixing to make Assam the state of your ideals.

Therefore, you all still need to find what the PROBLEMs are, and how your solution concept does or is expected to address the problems.

You can take one issue at a time. And take your time. I will be looking forward to learning a whole lot.



At 5:33 AM -0800 11/21/05, mayur bora wrote:
Mahanta-da, by and large I agree with Rajen-da's list
of problems plaguing Assam.


--- Barua25 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Let me try to help:
> We have these problems, in summary:
> 1) The North East India is under developed compared
> to the rest of the country and compared to its
> natural resources. Within the North East, Assam is
> even lagging behind in development compared to the
> other states in the North East.
> 2) Compared to the rest of the country, the Assam
> has the problem of heaviest infiltration of illegal
> immigration which has been going one since 1930s.
> 3) Compared to the rest of the country, North East
> has the highest level of Corruption. Assam may be
> the worst.
> 4) Among the North East, Nagaland has the problem of
> insurgency since after 1947 and which is still going
> on.  The reason of insurgency in Nagaland is pure
> and simple.  They want independence from India as
> their right.
> Assam also joined this insurgency 40 years after
> independence in 1979. 
> The reason of insurgency in Assam are the 1, 2 & 3
> above.
> Assam has many other problems but the above are the
> main.
> Meghalaya is the only state whic is free from any
> insurgency so far and seem to be happily tagging
> along India.
> So is Mizoram at present.
> RB
>  .  
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: mc mahant
>   Cc: assam@assamnet.org
>   Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2005 7:22 PM
>   Subject: Re: [Assam] Begalis and MIT
>   The Problem Statement is not yet forthcoming from
> anybody!!
>   mm
>     From:  Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     To:  mayur bora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> assam@assamnet.org
>     Subject:  Re: [Assam] Begalis and MIT
>     Date:  Sun, 20 Nov 2005 12:20:10 -0600
>     >Hi Mayur:
>     >
>     >Thanks for the reply.
>     >
>     >You gave your idea of a solution here, but WHAT
> is the problem?
>     >
>     >Unless you tell us what you see as the
> problems, how can anyone weigh
>     >if your solution concept addresses them?
>     >
>     >The reason I am asking is that your solution
> concept really did not
>     >address anything of any significance at all.
> But I am willing to
>     >accept that your concept of what the problems
> are is different from
>     >mine. Therefore it is important to have a
> glimpse of your version,
>     >wouldn't you agree? And once we do, we could
> weigh if your analysis
>     >is sound, to be persuaded to it or reject it.
>     >
>     > >  >You will also make a very good politician.
>     > >You know how to engineer a reply by tempting
> people.
>     >
>     >*** Even though you present it as a sly and
> deceitful quality, an
>     >ability to communicate and find common ground
> to solve common
>     >problems ought NOT to  be
>     >treated like you are doing. That is an
> unfortunate attitude, no doubt
>     >born of the pervasive desi-condition in which
> politicians remain
>     >forever unaccountable, leaving even otherwise
> intelligent folks, like
>     >yourself, with a sense of abject resignation.
>     >
>     >But it CAN be changed you know? May not be in
> India in the
>     >foreseeable future. But an Assam, freed from
> the shackles of the
>     >dysfunctional Indian system has every
> opportunity to be  rid of it.
>     >
>     >cm
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >At 8:39 AM -0800 11/20/05, mayur bora wrote:
>     > >Dear Mahanta da
>     > >
>     > >You are not only an intelligent thinker and
> political
>     > >analyst. You will also make a very good
> politician.
>     > >You know how to engineer a reply by tempting
> people.
>     > >Of course I have taken it at the right
> spirit. Thank
>     > >you for your kind words.
>     > >
>     > >On a serious note, can any one be happy with
> dry bread
>     > >? But more importantly, in absence of any
> workable and
>     > >realistic solution, is it not in the larger
> interst of
>     > >the people to enjoy dry bread in stead of
> longing for
>     > >roast meat which is going to create havoc in
> many
>     > >people's lives ? I leave it to you to reflect
> and
>     > >ponder over ihe issue.
>     > >
>     > >Personally I feel a federal structure with
> centre
>     > >retaining defence, finance and external
> affairs and
>     > >rest of  the powers at state lavel can solve
> some
>     > >problems afflicting all the states of the
> country. Of
>     > >course it would be unwise to expect miracles
> overnight
>     > >from such an arrangement. Moreover,
> asymmetrical
>     > >federalism should not be a sacrilegious
> concept
>     > >keeping in mind the different background of
> the states
>     > >before coming together during independence.
> But if
>     > >this arrangement can not improve the
> condition after
>     > >say 10/20 years, all options should be made
> open viz,
>     > >reverting back to the earlier position,
> status quo or
>     > >a more radical arrangement. But it should be
> decided
>     > >by people after a prolonged and unrestricted
> debate.
>     > >Any well meaning and workable concept should
> be
>     > >allowed to be tested before coming to any
> firm
>     > >conclusion.
>     > >
>     > >I am not sure in today's complex world, slow
> and
>     > >steady wins the race or not, but it is safer
> for the
>     > >people. I don't want speed at cost of own
> people's
>     > >blood.
>     > >
>     > >Take care.
>     > >
>     > >Mayur
>     > >
>     > >--- Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>     > >
>     > >>  At 7:34 PM -0800 11/18/05, mayur bora
> wrote:
>     > >>  >**** I don't like to give all my secrets
> out to the
>     > >>  >>  clueless,who are
>     > >>  >>  so  intentionally or otherwise
>     > >>  >
>     > >>  >HA HA HA....
>     > >>  >
>     > >>  >
>     > >>  >Mayur
>     > >>
>     > >>
>     > >>  **** Hi Mayur:
>     > >>
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