Title: Re: [Assam] Who is Assam For?
First I think you are copying these to Sumanta Chaliha just to add some spice into our debate or just to expose Rajen Barua in front of a powerful Editor of Doinik Asom who will teach Rajen Barua a lesson.
Please go ahead.
However, I did not equate Sumanta with the Mahantas (in spite of your blood relation). I donot think Sumanta has the same views as yours. His views are different.
What I don't understand is why you are trying to act as Sumanta Chaliha's attorney or spokesperson if you don't share the same view with his? Again just to throw a monkey wrench into my arguments just for the sake of it?
It is for the netters to judge if my assessment about the Mahantas is correct when I say the following. But this is the impression I get from your various postings in the net:
That the Mahantas voice for Communism in future Assam. They express hatred against India. They prophecy Doom and Gloom for India.
(Now please don't try to drag Sumanta Chaliha into the scene here. He does not do any of these. His views are quite different, I intend to coolly discuss with him and continue our unfinished discussion that we had in Assam when I visited last. So I would appreciate if you don't try to misinterpret my comments and try to create confusion in our understanding. )
But before I try to show the short coming of your statement, I want you to note and confirm again that the following is your own statement which you believe, and not of Sumanta Chaliha or somebody else and that you are simply trying to tabulate to spice up the arguments for the sake of arguments.
"Assam IS for the Assamese -- those who BELONG to Assam. It is their homeland. It includes many different ethnic groups. Ahoms, Bodos, Dimasas, Misings, Karbis-- etc. etc.Assam is NOT the homeland for Biharis, not for Marwaris, not for B'deshis. They can be guests there. And become Assamese in time thru a process of assimilation. But they cannot REMAIN itinerant Marwaris and Biharis and B'deshis but claim to be Assamese at the same time. That is the difference" - Chandan Mahanta (Jan 26, 2005)
Because, this line of thinking has serious problems and shortcoming for Assam. and I totally donot agree with the above view.
If you really believe the above, I see that there is a vast difference between the future Assam as envisioned by the Mahantas and by me.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Who is Assam For?

It was Rajen Barua who brought Sumanta Chaliha into these discussions and equted them with :

Communism,  as proposed by the Mahantas,  is definitely not the solution.
Hatred of India, as proposed by the Mahnats, is not the solution.
Doom for India, as proposed by the Mahantas, is not the solution.

I don't have to be Sumanta Chaliha's spokesperson to ask what you had in mind. And you should be able to explain it, since you authored it.

It does not take a genius to figure out why. But I wanted to have YOU say so. Obviously my challenge causes you a lot of discomfiture. But that is NOT MY doing. You brought it upon yourself.

>It does not because what you tried to interperet your statement in the following, you are actaullay getting nto a >dead end.

*** Yeah? That is because my comment was not designed to be left as an open ended one.

>But before I show you the fallacy of your statement,

*** I appreciate your magnanimity here. But go right ahead and 'attack' me. Isn't that what I am here for? The suspense is killing me though :-).

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