MM da,
We certainly need to ask Delhi and GOA too - whenever there are misappropriations. So, IT IS NOT an excuse of the GOI or the GOA to escape any accountability.
But since ULFA has taken money from Assam for the last so many decades, the people of Assam ought to be given a explanation as to how that money was spent and where the rest of it is?
The same standards of accountability must be imposed on GOI/GOA and the ULFA - after all they are the parallel govt, and govts. ought to be accountable for their actions.
About how they 'earned' the money in the first place will have to be dealt with at another time possibily.

On 1/20/06, mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

May I butt in?    

<<ask the ULFA for some of the same accountability of where all the money they looted for 25+ years has gone and all the murders they have committed>>

To the Useless Indian Economy after a few movements.

Loot?    Ask Delhi


From:  Ram Sarangapani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:  Chan Mahanta < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC:  Assam Organisation <>
Subject:   Re: [Assam] Dainik Agradoot
Date:  Fri, 20 Jan 2006 09:32:23 -0600

C'da, Mayur
Could I butt in a bit:
>*** Did the two killers/attackers have brands on their foreheads
>        forever assuring the outraged like yourself that they were ULFA
>        and not anything else?
No the don't. But that is the advantage of being an insurgent.
They don't wear uniforms
They can mix in easily with the innocent
They can hit and run (and hide among the innocent)
When its is advantageous, they can claim a bombing or a murder or an extortion.
If public winds blow the other way, they can always claim 'it wasn't US, it was the SULFA, the Army pretending to be us and so on).
RB (Rajen Barua) brought out a very good point the other day, when you claimed that the ULFA has been running a parallel government for decades.
If that is so, why didn't this parallel government SHOW the inept GOA or the GOI what things a government can do.
Why don't they teach the GOI/GOA a thing or two about democracy and governance?
All this parallel govt. has shown the people of Assam is the expertise in the arts of extortion,  murder, hide and seek, and mayhem. If the GOI and GOA are corrupt and inept, this parallel Govt. shows us the pitfalls of buying into their 'lofty ideals'.
We often talk about "accountability" (at least C'da does), and rightly so.
So C'da, why don't you ask the ULFA for some of the same accountability of where all the money they looted for 25+ years has gone and all the murders they have committed. (or haven't they killed anyone innocent at all?).

On 1/20/06, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Hi Mayur:

>By being 'analytical', I don't want to belittle the
extreme courage shown by those two boys in response to
the dastardly and heinous act perpetrated by 'the
>sunshine boys' in the name of Assam's independence.


*** I don't think I or anyone else suggested you do.

But having stood by the bravery of the two kids, WHERE is the rest of your 'analytical' assessment of the report?

Certainly not what you wrote below. Or do you consider that an analytical assessment of the report in the Agradoot ? Personally I consider that a diatribe, a shooting off of your mouth against MRG, without any demonstration of any analytical ability on your part. See Mayur, epithet slinging does not substitute for thoughtful deliberation of an issue. I would have hoped someone of your caliber, training and position in society would be cognizant of that.

Anyway, allow me to share MY views of the REPORT in the Agradoot:

        *** I join you in recognizing the valor of the two Bodo kids.

        *** I hold judgement on GoI's acts of generosity in felicitating
        them with heroes' welcome, if not trash it outright as yet another
        thoroughly hypocritical bit of shameless propaganda.

        Why, you would ask I am sure? For the simple reason of numerous acts
        of governmental terrorism that GoI has perpetrated on people of Assam
        while never ceasing to spout fealty to democratic principles. If you
        need further explanation of it, do ask I will be pleased to furnish.
        But be forewarned :-), that such display of ignorance carries a price
        too, of one's naivete, biases and lack of credibility.

        I will add one more item to it: Remember the case of the unarmed
        villagers ( I forget in Kamrup or Barpeta) a couple of years back,
        when they attacked a group of armed marauders, who later turned
        out to be Indian Army soldiers, without uniform,who then open fire on
        the villagers killing several and wounding many.

        Did you  hear of the GoI holding these unarmed villagers as heroes
        defending themselves from armed thugs? Did the GOI undertake
        a judicial investigation and deliver justice? If they did what was it?
        Did the Assam rags report on it, the same rags that you wave at us
        today with the two kids' heroism?

        *** What did the report tell you or me about WHY the school
        teacher was attacked and/or executed by these so-called ULFA men?
        Because they did not like him/them? Because he/they did not pay ransom?
        He/they had some other feud between them? It is obvious you are
        ignorant of one of the fundamentals of justice that when one is charged
        with a particular crime, MOTIVES must be demonstrated for conviction.
        Just because  the police says, or the rags report, that it was
        perpetrated by ULFA, (and of course thus all heinous motives could
        be attributed to them) and so justice is done;  is not adequate
        information for discerning viewers to judge it.

        Sorry to see you ( and all those others in your shoes) are still
        not there yet.

        *** Did the two killers/attackers have brands on their foreheads
        forever assuring the outraged like yourself that they were ULFA
        and not anything else? And if they did not, was it determined
        from investigations, prosecution in a court of law ( not the
        kangaroo variety now) and justice  delivered that indeed they
        were ULFA, perpetrated the crime  on credibly delineated motive/s?
        If so HOW do YOU or the Agradoot knows that? Did they share that
        info., or is it privileged info. meant only for the righteous
        like yourselves?

        *** This is not an argument: But I also want to rub it in on some of
        our baam-exparts ( wannabe experts) who have contended time and again
        that the Bodos refuse to be a part of Assam and thus would imply
        that they also would have no part of ULFA.  If so how is it that these
        two Bodo men are branded 'durdhorxo' ULFA ?

Finally, I will however would NOT hesitate to declare, that if it was a blood-thirsty criminal act of killing this teacher in cold blood without any perceptible motive, perpetrated by some real ULFA cadres, it is unconscionable.

But something tells me there is a whole lot more to the story than meets the eye. And those of us who are ready to pass judgement without wanting to know more, if not all about it, have a lot of growing up to do intellectually.


You asked for it Mayur :-).

Take care,


PS: I would spare you today on your diatribe against MRG.  But don't expect a free pass next time :-).

















At 11:48 PM -0800 1/19/06, mayur bora wrote:
C' da

Hor are you ? Writing for the first time in the new
By being 'analytical', I don't want to belittle the
extreme courage shown by those two boys in response to
the dastardly and heinous act perpetrated by 'the
sunshine boys' in the name of Assam's independence. I
will not be surprised if MRG gets influenced and
starts acknowledging Dhemaji Misdeeds of your freedom
fighters as 'normal' after reading some of the recent

posts in assamnet. I can only hope that she does not
come near a computer in the near future. Like any
responsible citizen in society, she is entitled to
have her own viewpoints regarding anything. But she
must be very careful in making public pronouncements
as she is trying to bring about much needed peace in
Assam by facilitating talks beween GoI and ULFA
through PCG. She should not give opportunity to others
to accuse her of derailing the talks in future by
recklessly shooting off her mouth.

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