Regarding the name Assam, I think this is what happened.
The British listened to the local pronunciation, and found that the /S/ phoneme which resembles the sound most is the /SS/ as used in their words such as 'issue', 'tissue' etc.  Please note that /SS/ phoneme has the sound like /sh/. Anyhow that is how we got the double SS I think.
Aren't you happy that we have SS in the word Assam instead of a single S?
I am sure many like me would like the present spelling Assam which has now been established as an International brand name known all over the world either for Assam Tea, Assam Silk, Assam Oil, or for (Dinjan and Chabua) Assam etc.
Let us keep it.
We have much more important things to worry about.
Like the Assam;s economy as revealed in the report per the following link.
Rajen Barua
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 1:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Fwd: Enough of this Controversy !

     "Asam" might be ours.  But "Assam" is definitely the one of the British colonial masters of yore.
                                                                                      Best wishes,

Frankly speaking, even is others call us OkSOM instead of  OXOM, I don't see what is the problem.
Let others pronounce it wrong. We mispronounce mexico all the time.
They will mispronounce it with ASOM anyway and will say ESOM or USOM.
My million dollar question is why we are worrying for people saying OkSOM and not worrying if they call us ESOM or USOM?.
And why we want to change the beautiful Mongoloid International name ASSAM anyway. That is our Mongolian name, and people are pronouncing it right.
What is our problem?
Amar ki ukohe khaise?
It bits me.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Fwd: Enough of this Controversy !

    I agree to ur points.  But just see the way people pronounce the words like Xavier (with reference to St. Xavier),  X-mas, Excuse etc.
                  Well, I believe that when the State surges ahead economically, the whole world would try to pronounce the way we do. It wouldn't matter even if it is written as Asom, Asam, Osom, Oxom et al.  However the bright side of the change is the dropping of the second 'S' from "Assam". Now, we have to prove that our state is "Asam" not "Assam"  and  we the people are not "Ass-amese" but "Asamese" / "Asamiya".   Isn't it ?

Rajen Barua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A layman who has no idea about the symbol 'X' according to the codes of the IPA (International Phonetics Association), can hardly pronounce >AXOM / OXOM properly.
If you don't mind let me ask you the question back. How a layman has the idea what sound to pronounce for X for the following
English words?
xenophobia / xylophone / axiom /examination /excise / exit 
Or Chinese name : Xingjiang
Or Spanish name : Mexico
Or Russian : Xruschev, Chexov
Or Greek: Xarish
The answer to all these is that we will have to learn the correct pronounciation of X in all these words in different language. Even in English we cannot take it for granted that it will be pronounced as X in Box all the time. Similarly people will have to learn the correct pronunciation of X in Oxom, Xongkordev, Xotriya, Xukanguri etc in Assamese.
And how do we teach people?
Very simple, we simply tell that the X in Assamese is pronounced like
X = kh, a guttural sound pronounced  as 'ch' as in the Scottich word 'Loch' or german word 'Bach', or Zurich etc
Now against the above, what we have on the table:
ASOM :(Ppronounced ESOM)
How do we teach people to pronounce S in ASOM?
S as in Sun or S as in kh =?
I wil write leter why the first vowel need to be O and not A for OXOM.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 5:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Fwd: Enough of this Controversy !

       Thats very true. 
         A layman who has no idea about the symbol 'X' according to the codes of the IPA (International Phonetics Association), can hardly pronounce AXOM / OXOM properly. But at least the Sahitya Sabha Stalwarts ought to be aware of the significance of 'X' and re-christen the "ASS" as Asom Xahitya Xabha (AXX). I am leaving out the word "Asom" (for as I said, a lot of controversy surrounds it).
                    Anyways, thanx for ur mail.

Rajen Barua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Some people seem to be quite happy with ASS.
It seems Asom Sahitya Sabha (ASS) changed its name only in 1964 to ASS.
It may be the right time now for it to change to OXX (Oxom Xahitya Xobha)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Fwd: Enough of this Controversy !

Praantik Barua seems to drive home some good points.

On 3/16/06, Webmaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 The Editor,
 The Assam Tribune,
 Guwahati - 781 003.
                   Sub:   Enough  of  this  Controversy !
Dear Sir,
              For those persons who worry about the peculiarity of the  'S' pronounciation in the word "Asom", I find it somewhat strange. Today, the non-French or the non-German speakers, when pronouncing French or German words try to pronounce as perfectly as the former. When our State becomes economically developed, people all over the world would take interest in pronouncing "Asom" as per the style of the Asomese/ Asomiya language.
                          Also, its very disappointing to see the whole lot of confusion and controversy created over the issue of State Name. Infact, if we observe carefully, it is not "Change" of name, but a sort of "Rectification". When the world-renowned Indian city of "Bombay" was changed to the drastically different
word "Mumbai", all the sections of the Maharashtrian People accepted it. Though it sounded somewhat rustic, they took pride in it. And, today the whole of India and the world has become used to the word "Mumbai" in a span of just a few months. All the government as well as non-government including Newspapers, Magazines, Text-books etc all over India has replaced "Bombay" as "Mumbai". They didn't deem it as breaking of 'tradition' (if "Bombay" was their tradition in the true sense), but as "Restoration of Native Pride". But the situation is very different out here in this state. Infact the difference among the people in this state is stiffling. There is no point in making a Constructive move out here. Someone had rightly written it off as "Assam". Truely, this controversy and difference among its people over this issue proves ------ "Ass"amese people deserve their state to be called "Ass"am. Keep it up !  Long live "Assam" !  Joi Aai "Ass"am !!!
                                                                                    Yours sincerely,
                                                                                     Praantik Barua,
                                                                                     Guwahati - 3


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