From: "Fritz Borgstedt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >I'm using 'Use Subject as Maillog Names', I think, the files in \spam
> >and
> >\notspam have the subject as the file name. I have 'Max Files' set to
> >14009
> >but for some reason I have over 67,000 files in the notspam
> >directory. I've
> >tried changing the max files number and it has made no difference.
> >
> >Ideas please, other than delete manually all the time.
> Switch
> >'Use Subject as Maillog Names'
>  off and run

So there is no file limit control if you use the subject for the file names?

> All is clearly stated in the documentation for starters.

I must be missing some of them- I knew about but wanted to stay
with subjects for the file names. So long term this isn't a really possible?

"If you're not using subjects as file names, this is the maximum number of
files to keep in each collection (spam & nonspam.)It's actually less than
this -- files get a random number between 1 and $MaxFiles."

That doesn't mention what happens if you choose to stay using subjects as
file names.


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