I think many people can give examples of when a lack of understanding
made a problem worse.  This happens many times a year for me as managers
make decisions to move forward with technologies that aren't adequate or
appropriate for the goals they wish to accomplish.  This happens when IT
is excluded from the process.  And while originating from a lack of
understanding, it typically then includes a lack of specifications, and
a lack of research - it usually ends with a lack of comparison (shopping!)

When management has the right information, they can make excellent
decisions - hey, its what they are paid for after all. However, as in
all things, a lack of understanding can severely hinder that ability. 
Causing an administrator or even a team of admins to waste serious
amounts of time dealing with sub-par equipment, software, and
technologies in general.

And this in-turn is a waste of money to the company.  The administrator
is a financial burden to being with, as we don't make money - we spend
it in order to make *other* people productive.  If the admin is wasting
time troubleshooting or improvising because of sub-par technology, it
takes away from time spent for the productivity issues of others.

So, if I could get my CIO (or top management) to understand one thing,
just ONE thing, about fighting spam: I would like top management to
understand the mechanics of how email works.

Then they can make the most informed decision based on the information
and technologies presented to them. <warm smile>

I didn't say it would be easy.  But that would be the ONE thing.

Esther Schindler wrote:
> Ah! That helps -- certainly it clarifies the point. <warm smile>
> Can you give me a real world example of where that knowledge helped  
> the admin do her job, or where the lack of that understanding made  
> the problem worse? (We all do love to look over each other's  
> shoulders, after all.)

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