> example incoming mail with assp list (trendmicro log)
> << MAIL FROM:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [c38:400]

Note no SIZE=

>  example outgoing mail (trendmicro log)
> << EHLO exchange.mydomain.fr [3bc:768]
> << MAIL FROM:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> SIZE=3505 [3bc:768]

Note there IS a SIZE=

> all outside smtp are using HELO not EHLO maybe it's not a problem ;)

Since EHLO is the more recent flavor of the HELO command, and advertises 
additional features of the mail server:


I would say that this IS the problem - especially seeing above that the 
incoming MAIL FROM: command does NOT respond with the mail SIZE, but the 
outgoing one does, which is precisely the problem you are having.

Whatever server is handling INCOMING mail is the problem...


Best regards,


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