I was thinking the same thing about the test mode tab/page.  It is nice
to be able to see them all in the same place.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matti
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 6:16 AM
To: Questions and Answers for users of ASSP Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy
Subject: Re: [Assp-user] Your thoughts wanted:

I  think  it  would be good to simplyfy the GUI (I am always searching
for  something  in the wrong tab...) But I think it is good to see any
testmode in a single page.
Maybe  it  should  be in the beginning or completely at the end of the
GUI  as they are used during setup process, where the user is not used
to the ASSP.

I would prefer soemthin like this:

[Your Server]
Network  Setup  & Relaying & validate local Adresses  & Message
(remove the extra tabs)

[Spam Control]
as it is, but move NP to Spam lovers (as it is for the end user a kind
of spam-lover)

[Spam Lovers]
see above


[Connection Blocking & Penalty Box]
move  Max  connections here from Network Setup here (as they all Block
incomming connections)

now the diferent tests:
[Greylisting] (as the old greylit is called now griplist)

[SPF and SRS] combine

[Attachment Blocking and Virus control]

[Regex Filters] (Spambomb and  Scripting]

[Basian setup]
Put back the experimental settings and mark them in the text

CCspam and ham:  move to Spam Control

[eMail interface]

[filepath and collecting] combine them

Put  ALL  logging  parameters here, So that you can enable/disable all
Logging for all tests in a single location

remove other section.
Move the Rebuildspam options to [Basian]
and  the  rest  to  [Your  Server]  except  "Upload  Consolidated Spam
Statistics" which fits better into "logging"

remove [legacy] section.
Move  "Don't  reply  to  messages  to  the  Email  Interface" to email
interface, if it is still needed

[SMTP messages]
Puth here all SMTP replys from all test into a single locaton

Maybe  every  Tab  could  be  devided  in  Basic settings and advanced
setting.  Most  values  have good defaults and have not to be altered.
Put   them  in the "advanced" part of the tab. Put all the data that a
user have to enter in the "basic" section.

I  think  if  we  could find a common base on how the GUI schould look
like  (I think many others have diferent views), I will be glad to hel
Fritz  in  restructuring  the  GUI.  (As  I  didn't  nee too much Pear
knowledge for this :)


> I am thinking of a major change in the GUI: 

> removing the extra sections  for collection, spamlover and testmode
> and putting that into the check section directly, eg. Testmode for
> Bayesian goes into Bayesian Option, RBL-spamlover goes to RBL.

> What do you think?

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