---- Original Message ----
From: Daniel K. Du Vall
To: assp-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 11:38 AM
Subject: [Assp-user] Blocking sender completely

> Is there a way to block a sender completely Like [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?
> I don’t want to even see this marked as SAPM and sent to the cc
> address. 
> Daniel Du Vall

Blacklisted Addresses/Domains* (blackListedDomains)
Addresses & Domains and addresses from which you always want to reject mail, 
they only send you spam. Note this matches the end of the address, so if you 
don't want to match subdomains then include the @. Note that buy.com would also 
match spambuy.com but .buy.com won't match buy.com. [EMAIL PROTECTED] will 
match [EMAIL PROTECTED] but won't match [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wildcards are 
supported. For example: @spam.net|.pics.com|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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