Hello Scott,

> Hi Spryros, 
> If you are not seeing in in your logs, perhaps you can also
> grep the files themselves, that is what I mean, I may not
> have been clear.

No, you have been very clear. I understand what you say.

> ASSP is saving copies of the emails, or parts of them at
> least, you should be able to apply the same prep command to
> the directory in which the emails are.  I forget what
> it is called, but for example:
> sudo grep -irH '50345' /path/to/ASSP/emails

Yeah. I got it. Grep has many uses. I will also have to consult
the manual pages for more.

> "That will find any file whose contents has 50345 in it".
> If you are looking to search the file names for a mach, use
> find:
> sudo find /path/to/ASSP/emails -name "*50345*" -print
> The wildcard patterns on the beginning and end should make
> the find command do a contains search on the filename.

yeah . got it. No worries. . .

> I am not a fan at all of the auto updating in ASSP, if
> yours is doing so, I would disable it.  The best I can
> suggest is to go back to your last working version, if you
> can find it.

AFAIK, I always download and install _only_ the _stable_ versions.
But then, further down on your message you say :

> My best advice, find a stable version, and stay with it,
> email servers that are not broken, are not to be
> fixed.  You are very concerned about an issue, but I
> also believe you are running beta software, which I would
> never recommend on a production email server.

I really did not know I was running beta software.
>From what I understand, stuff under this hyperlink :


Is stable stuff, not beta. However, it seems (from what you say) I am
wrong. To tell you the truth, I am very confused with the versioning
system on ASSP. However, all I can do is upgrade and hope for the best.
But I do keep backups and backups of backups :-)

> You could test your version since you are just looking for
> a subject match, to paste into the analyzer, take any email,
> alter the subject to what you want it to be, and paste it
> into ASSP's mail analyzer.

That is what I was planning to do. As long as I can find the actual
file in some directory. If you followed the whole story on this, ASSP
just marked it as safe and didn't say what (serial) number it gave the
message/file and where it saved it.

Thank you very very much for your kind reply,



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