I could use some help getting ASSP (and postfix) setup to accept SSL 
connections on port 465.  I could find no complete explanation online of how to 
do this, so I did my best on my own.  Here's what I've done:

ASSP Config
listenPort 25
smptDestination 125
listenPortSSL 465
SSLCertFile /etc/ssl/mailserver/mail-cert.pem (cert works fine when talking 
directly to postfix)
SSLKeyFile /etc/ssl/mailserver/mail-key.pem

125       inet  n       -       -       -       -       smtpd

smtpd_tls_security_level = none

If I telnet over to port 465, I get a response from ASSP, but it seems like 
ASSP can't communicate with postfix, and there is no response from postfix from 
any command issued.

telnet mail.mydomain.com 465
Connected to mail.mydomain.com.
Escape character is '^]'.

no response to any command here.

In addition, there are no entries in the mail log to indicate that this 
connection is happening, and no errors reported in ASSP's maillog.txt

Can anyone suggest where to go from here?

- Jason

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