On 09/13/2016 02:36 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:
Do you actually mean TLS (ie, STARTTLS on port 143), or SSL (on port 993)?

I have issues with STARTTLS on port 587. Some email just timeout. All of the ones that do timeout have attachments or forwarded email with attachments inline.

Thomas tried to diagnose around a year ago and put it off to being a re-negotiate issues with ASSP and Postfix. I run Zimbra for a mail server.

I also get timeouts for STARTTLS on port 25 for inbound email. Enough so, that I turned it off.

Now, here is a data point.

For the few users that I have that are sending email from remote locations, I've setup OpenVPN as a connection and point there Thunderbird/Seamonkey clients directly to my ASSP and ALL my timeout problems went away.

Other then an inconvenience for them having to startup OpenVPN, it just works.


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