I keep having similar issues show up in my logs which is causing issue in our 
emails being delivered. This domain and many others like it are list in the TXT 
record and in testing the TXT correctly formatted. 

As a workaround I have been using noSpoofingCheckIP to work around this issue, 
but I need to get this corrected as some of these IP I don't want to globally 
allow to Spoof the Sender. 

Any suggestions? Currently running ASSP version 2.6.6 build 21218 


Brian S 

Sep-16-21 13:17:16 m1-12636-04808 [Worker_6] [TLS-in] [TLS-out] [SpoofedSender] <customerc...@subzerocompanystore.com> to: 
supp...@tmpcompany.com [scoring] (No Spoofing Allowed 
'customerc...@subzerocompanystore.com' in 'from') 
Sep-16-21 13:17:16 m1-12636-04808 [Worker_6] [TLS-in] [TLS-out] [SpoofedSender] <customerc...@subzerocompanystore.com> to: 
supp...@tmpcompany.com [scoring] (No Spoofing Allowed 
'customerc...@subzerocompanystore.com' in 'sender') 

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