I am not a mySQL expert (obviously), my limited SQL experience is with MS SQL where stored procedures and views are an option.

This is with mySQL 4.x, so no views.

I'm no an expert too, but even if the algorithm is right and seems to bring some optimization I think mysql way of do things can't leverage such a method

Select dialpattern from rates where left 5 match left 5 of dst

this is a select of a substring, I don't think mysql can index a substring, so the query will be redone completely every time

Order by length of dialpattern, descending

I'm pretty sure mysql isn't so good at sorting, you're wasting a little more time

Compare dialpattern to the first x number of digits from dst where x = the length of dial pattern

here you have another substring

The first match (when ordered by length descending) is the correct result (longest match)

Now of course the performance issue is relative since we are searching between two little strings and not for some book with 'asterisk' and 'future' in the title on amazon.
Since performance isn't probably an issue I suggest a simple

price = None
for (i=1, i++, i<len(dialstring))
price = select price from rates where prefix = dialstring[0:len(dialstring)-i]
   if price != None break
if price == None we don't know how to bill this call
else do stuff

you have an O(len(dialstring)) search but the code is simple and cpus are fast

If you know your system will never call numbers shorter than m you can substitue len(dialstring) with len(dialstring)-m

If performance is an issue maybe (never tried myself) you can split the prefixes table in one table for the first 4 chars, like

0011 America1
0012 America2
0020 Egypt
0086 China

and one table for every destination with the remaining part of the code, so you first do a select on the first 4 chars of the dialed number, you know you'll always have one and only one match. the match is the name of the table where to do the O(n) search, but now n is even smaller and there is also a smaller number of rows to search from. (too bad international prefixes aren't all of the same length, so the numbers in the tables have less sense and you probably need a little more complex billing application)

If you need to investigate what is the better query use EXPLAIN in front of them, and look at how mysql will do the query, what index uses and how many lines will it go through ....

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