I have the following in the dialplan:
exten => s,1,Goto(${ARG1},1)
exten => dorecord,1,Record(/tmp/${CALLERID(number)}-ivrrecording:wav)
exten => dorecord,n,Wait(1)
exten => dorecord,n,Goto(confmenu,1)
exten => docheck,1,Playback(/tmp/${CALLERID(number)}-ivrrecording)
exten => docheck,n,Wait(1)
exten => docheck,n,Goto(confmenu,1)
exten => 
exten => confmenu,n,Read(RECRESULT||1|||4)
exten => confmenu,n,GotoIf($["x${RECRESULT}"="x*"]?dorecord,1)
exten => confmenu,n,GotoIf($["x${RECRESULT}"="x1"]?docheck,1)
exten => confmenu,n,Goto(1)
exten => 1,1,Goto(docheck,1)
exten => *,1,Goto(dorecord,1)
exten => t,1,Playback(goodbye)
exten => t,n,Hangup
exten => i,1,Playback(pm-invalid-option)
exten => i,n,Goto(confmenu,1)
exten => h,1,Hangup

When this is called the following is shown in the CLI
    -- Goto (macro-systemrecording,docheck,1)
    -- Executing Playback("SIP/223344-0928bbb8", "/tmp/2595-ivrrecording") in 
new stack
    -- Playing '/tmp/2595-ivrrecording' (language 'nz')
    -- Executing Wait("SIP/223344-0928bbb8", "1") in new stack
    -- Executing Goto("SIP/223344-0928bbb8", "confmenu|1") in new stack
    -- Goto (macro-systemrecording,confmenu,1)
    -- Executing BackGround("SIP/223344-0928bbb8", 
in new stack
    -- Playing 'to-listen-to-it' (language '')

As can be seen, Playback uses the channel's language 'nz' but BackGround does 
not. Could anyone advise what I'm doing wrong?



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