I don't benefit from them either, but I know both of the owners personally.
They have a very good fixed wireless network that does symmetrical service.
From what I understand their network covers most of the west end of the city
very well and some areas of downtown (if you have line of sight)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Donovan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <asterisk@uc.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: [on-asterisk] Symetrical DSL or Cable

On 8/1/07, Henry L.Coleman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So my question is..does anyone know of a service that can give me
upload/download speed at a reasonable cost <$200 per month. ?

This is a borderline biz question, but I'm willing to bend the rules and
play along :-)

It's tough to find a symmetrical service in that price range.  The last
price I heard for an SDSL line was in the $500 range.

I was talking with a company yesterday that does fixed wireless service. I
haven't had it implemented so I can't speak to their services but I think
they might be able to meet your requirement depending on site location
relative to their POP.

I spoke with a guy named Mark at Internet Access Solutions.  www.iasl.com
Bill Sandiford put me onto them at the last TAUG meeting.

It might be worth a call.

Disclosure:  I don't work for these guys or benefit from their sales.  I'm
just a potential customer.


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