Hi Drasko,

Only last week an Atomthreads user contributed a simulator for the Windows
environment, that runs Atomthreads threads within a single Windows thread.
He has dubbed this "Atomvm" and it is a separate port within the ports tree.
I only just received this and have not had time to try it out or push it to
Github yet, but I could send you the contributed ZIP separately if you are

I realise you mention Linux-based, but you could do this within a Windows
VM. I'm not sure how well Visual C++ Express runs within Wine.

Other than this, I did have a look at a couple of the AVR simulators a few
months ago. Simavr looked the most promising but I did not get as far as
creating the necessary infrastructure to bring up Atomthreads with a UART
for testing.

In time I would like to create a Linux equivalent of the Atomvm, but I'll
likely be personally concentrating on some of the other architecture ports
first. Perhaps it would be fairly simple to create a Linux one using the
contributed Windows version as example.

Let me know if you'd like to see the Atomvm contribution.

Best regards,

On 20 June 2010 23:52, Drasko DRASKOVIC <drasko.drasko...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am interesting in inspecting and learning how the Atomthreads work,
> so I was wondering if there is some Linux based AVR architecture
> simulator, like qemu or similar, in which this kernel can be run and
> debugged.
> Best regards,
> Drasko

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