Hi Spencer,

> I've been told by both Bruno at Raisonance and our ST FAE that care needs to 
> be taken with the stack pointer on STM8 processors. Apparently the bits 9 and 
> 10 of the SP are fixed at one, so the range of the SP is really 0x600 - 0x7FF.

I have so far worked on the basis that the following text in the STM8
programmer's reference was true: "The 16-bit Stack Pointer provides
access to a 64K-level Stack.". However I now see that this is
qualified elsewhere as follows: "Depending on the product, the most
significant bits can be forced to a preset value."

> Is this accounted for somewhere in AtomThreads that I haven't found yet? It 
> would seem that care is necessary as to where you allocate the thread stack 
> arrays to make sure they're within the allowed stack space. (perhaps this is 
> related to my last query about the _stack variable use).

It looks like Atomthreads needs to use the CPU part to determine the
location of all stacks. Do you know if there is a table somewhere
which shows the stack locations by part? I have just looked at the
STM8S105 reference manual (the part I used) and the text refers to 64K
stack space without any qualification, other than a diagram which
shows stack at a particular location. This is confusing to say the

Incidentally the core Atomthreads kernel port does not care where the
stack is located. It is up to the application to decide where
everything is located in the memory map, so all you need to do is to
tell the linker where your stacks should live. However as you've
pointed out, this is not done for the example application
tests-main.c. Once I get to the bottom of which parts have limited
stack locations I will fix up the example application to pay attention
to it, but meanwhile you should be able to continue by explicitly
putting your application's stacks in the correct location.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention,

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