On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 21:23, Phil Chadwick <phil_so...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi all-
> This email is a little off-topic-
> I love the work done by everyone (mostly Scott), and my appleTV/Myth frontend 
> get used all the time.
> however, I need 1080i mpeg2 AND h.264 native playback so I don't need to 
> transcode videos from different sources (my HD homerun and Hauppauge HD-pvr)
> what else are people using for front ends? I like the look of the Acer aspire 
> REVO, and the Zotac HD-ID11 as they both have Nvidia ION GPUs. a mini-ITX 
> system could also work...
> has anyone found a weaker Atom CPU w/ an ION just doesn't cut it?
> I'm not running a full blown PC again...

I have an Acer Revo and it's great. I replaced an ATV with it. IT's
played everything that I have (ATSC and cable HD).  Others have needed
a bit more RAM though. You should search the mythtv users mailing list
for more info.


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