Great write up.  I had figured it out independently but not as
elegantly and with more head scratching!   Have you had any luck with
the crystalhd card in 0.24 fixes?  It works fine in xbmc on but I get
audio stuttering with the alsa device set as ALSA:hdmi in mythtv.  I
am sure its a setting that wrong somewhere.  Also, have you tried to
build the trunk?  8.04 sees to have too old a version of python and
when I patched the code in the trunk things wouldn't compile (grrr).
Does your hdmi audio work with alsa 0.23.  I have been nervous to
update from the crystalbuntu 0.19.  I think it is only the nvidia
driver that cant be updated.

No, No and No.

I haven't got a crystal card and don't plan on getting one as I don't want to loose wireless. I also wasn't aware that mythtv even supports crystal. I also haven't tried building trunk. I haven't been able to get hdmi audio or analogue audio to work.

I tried following these directions to get hdmi audio to work without success:


Specifically, I wasn't able to get my display working after installing the NVIDIA 100.14.19 driver. Currently aplay -l shows that the driver exists but I can't get it to actually work.

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