
I just installed AUCTeX-11.83 into my Linux account (Fedora 4 on a 32bit Dell), and am using it with Emacs, using these commands

cd $HOME/download/auctex-11.83
./configure --prefix=$HOME/local --with-texmf-dir=$HOME/local
make install

After putting the proper commands into my .emacs file and restaring Emacs, I opened $HOME/download/auctex-11.83/circ.tex and tried to render it within Emacs using the Command-->LaTeX command from the menu. This seemed to work ok, and when I chose to Quick View the document, it opened in xdvi just fine. Then I tried the Preview-->for Document command from the menu, it failed. The log file said it couldn't find preview.sty, which had been copied into $HOME/local/tex/latex/preview. As a temp fix, I copied this file into the same directory as circ.tex, then tried it again. No, I don't see any error in the circ.log file, but the preview doesn't appear, and the rendered circ.dvi file is incomplete. What have I done wrong? Thanks!


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