Ralf Angeli <ang...@caeruleus.net> writes:

Hi Ralf,

>> (setq TeX-view-program-list
>>       '(("Okular"
>>       ("okular --unique %o"
>>        (mode-io-correlate "#src:%n%b")))))
> I've taken the liberty to add this to the built-in list of
> viewers. (c:


>> Works brilliant!  Thanks!
> Do you, by chance, know if this also works with source specials and
> DVI output?

I've tried it now with [X] Correlate I/O and [ ] Generate PDF output,
but neither forward nor backward search work.  C-c C-c View RET doesn't
change the page shown, and Shift-Leftclick in okular does nothing.

>> BTW: How did you find out about the foo.pdf#src: syntax?
> The syntax seems to be coming from kdvi and was eventually adapted by
> Okular.  It's mentioned in discussions about Okular and forward search
> in various mailing lists.  Unfortunately I could not find any
> "official" documentation.  The same goes for the --unique switch.

The --unique is at least listed in okular --help.


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